High Resolution Holographic Microscopy with arbitrary light sources

In holography and coded aperture imaging, the resolution of the reconstructed image depends on the spatial frequency bandwidth of the impulse response function. In holography, a monochromatic light filtered with a spatial filter like a pinhole aperture of diameter half micron to five microns (or a single mode optical fiber) is generally used to illuminate the sample for obtaining a high bandwidth impulse response function. The objective of this project is to develop a computational imaging method to obtain high resolution holographic in-line microscopy with a spatially extended and polychromatic light source and eliminate the above mentioned restrictions. The objective is important for speckle free imaging and in the development of more compact holographic imaging systems. See results here and here.

Want to explore the relation between the Light Coherence and Holography? You can start with this paper.

See also: Coded Aperture Imaging